It is never too early to start - this also applies for practicing with a specific purpose and goal. In our DJGA Future team we build the foundation for future stars. The earlier we can get started practicing optimally with the players, the better. The young talents are introduced at this age to a systematized practice, much earlier than they are used to. It provides better conditions in the long run.
Themes on Future
Great focus on technical development
Learn to make a plan and set goals for today's / week's practice
Focus on basic physical movements that prepare players for harder physical training in the future
Everyone is welcome to apply for admission, but it requires a certain level - and not least a great desire to practice golf.
Facilities / Jutland
Lyngbygaard Golfklub
Facilities / Zealand
* During the winter period the training takes place in our indoor centers in Ikast and Kokkedal
Training amount
3 timer hver uge plus diverse weekend og helligdagssamlinger fordelt over året.